School Policies

Please see links below to our school policies.  Alternatively, if you would like a printed copy of any policy, please contact one of the school offices by person, phone or email.

Admissions to Nursery Policy - February 2022

Admissions to School Policy - October 2023

Administration of Medication in Schools Policy - October 2022

Accessibility Plan - 2024 - 2026 (Working Document)

Alternative Provision Policy - September 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy - October 2023

Asthma Policy - February 2023

Attendance Policy - September 2023 (Updated April 2024)

Behaviour Policy - October 2023

Breakfast Club Policy - September 2019

Breakfast Club Charging Policy - February 2021

Calculation Policy - April 2024

Charging and Remissions Policy - May 2023

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy - December 2023

Child on Child Abuse Policy - September 2023

Children and Young People in Care Policy - 2023-2024

Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School Policy - July 2023

Complaints Policy - January 2023

Data Protection Policy (v3.1) - September 2023 and Subject Access Request Form - September 2023

Data Retention Policy (IRMS Toolkit for Schools - 2019

Declaration of Interests for Gifts and Hospitality Policy - October 2023

EAL (English as an Additional Language) Policy - June 2023

Education of Children unable to Attend School because of Health Needs - September 2023

Education Visits & Journeys Policy - September 2022

Employee Code of Conduct - October 2023

Equality & Diversity Policy - July 2023

First Aid Policy - July 2023

Freedom of Information Policy - October 2023

Governors Allowance Policy - February 2022

Governors Code of Conduct Policy - November 2023 (Signed Version held in School)

Health & Safety Policy - November 2023

ICT Acceptable Use Policy - February 2024

Infection Control Policy - July 2023

Information Security Policy (v4.6) - September 2023

Information Sharing Policy (v4.2) - September 2023

Intimate Care Policy - February 2023

Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance - September 2023

Leave in Term Time Absence Policy - September 2023

Lettings Policy - May 2023

Managing Low Level Concerns or Allegations Against Staff Policy & Procedure - September 2023

Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy - January 2023

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy - September 2023

No Smoking Policy - July 2023

Online Safety Policy - February 2024

Password Management Policy (v5.1) - April 2024

Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) Policy - 2023-2024

Privacy Notice (Governors) - June 2023

Privacy Notice (Pupils) - June 2023

Privacy Notice (Staffing/Workforce) - June 2023

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024

Reading policy - January 2024

Records Management Policy (v3) - September 2023

Relationship Education Policy - March 2023

Safer Recruitment Policy - October 2023

Safer Use of Technology Policy - February 2024

School Security Policy - February 2023

School Suspension and Exclusions Policy - September 2023 

School Uniform Policy - June 2023

Sex and Relationship Education (RSHE) Policy - March 2023

SEN Policy - June 2023

Single Equality Policy

Supporting Previously Looked After Children Policy - 2023-2024

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy - March 2023

Teaching and Learning policy - 2024

Volunteers inc Work Experience Policy - October 2023

Whistleblowing Policy Procedure - September 2023

Working Together to Improve School Attendance - September 2022

Working Together to Safeguard Children - December 2023