Our Governors – September 2023
Name – Mr Andrew Baker (Chair of Governors)
Category of Governor – Nominated by LA
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - Health, Safety and Safeguarding Committee and Appeals Committee.
Committee Membership - Finance & Personnel Committee, Health, Safety and Safeguarding Committee and the Appeals Committee.
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - N/A
Term of Office Ends – 25/11/2028
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mr Andrew Baker.
Name – Mrs Penny Hustwick (Vice Chair)
Category of Governor – Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - Pupil Discipline Committee.
Committee Membership - Health, Safety & Safeguarding Committee, Pupil Discipline Committee and Headteachers Performance Committee.
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - Vulnerable Learners/Safeguarding and Children in Care, Attendance and EYFS.
Term of Office Ends – 10/06/2027
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mrs Penny Hustwick.
Name – Ms Rebecca Thomas
Category of Governor – Staff Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - N/A
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - Equality and Diversity
Term of Office Ends – 13/03/2026
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Ms Rebecca Thomas. (Pending)
Name – Vacancy
Category of Governor – Parent Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership -
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - N/A
Term of Office Ends –
Pen Portrait -
Name – Mrs Samantha Barrett
Category of Governor – Parent Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - Health, Safety & Safeguarding Committee
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - Online Safety including Filtering and Monitoring, SEN
Term of Office Ends – 13/06/2026
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mrs Samantha Barrett. (Pending)
Name – Miss Gemma Smith
Category of Governor – Parent Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - Health, Safety & Safeguarding Committee
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - Curriculum Review, Equality & Diversity and Staff Work-life Ballance/Wellbeing including Healthy Eating
Term of Office Ends – 14/06/2026
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Miss Gemma Smith. (Pending)
Name – Mrs Clare Lo (Kwai Sim Lo)
Category of Governor – Parent Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - Finance & Personnel Committee
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - Online Safety including Filtering and Monitoring
Term of Office Ends – 01/02/2027
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mrs Clare Lo.
Name – Mrs Katrina Baker (MBE)
Category of Governor – Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - Finance & Personnel Committee
Committee Membership - Finance & Personnel Committee and Headteachers Performance Management Committee
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - Pupil Premium and Catch Up Funding
Term of Office Ends – 13/07/2028
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mrs Katrina Baker. (Pending)
Name – Mrs Debbie Young
Category of Governor – Associate Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - Health, Safety and Safeguarding Committee
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - Governor Review/CPD
Term of Office Ends – 07/11/2026
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mrs Debbie Young.
Name – Mr Andrew Thomas
Category of Governor – Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - Health, Safety and Safeguarding Committee
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - N/A
Term of Office Ends – 07/11/2026
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mr Andrew Thomas.
Name – Mrs Kath Osborne
Category of Governor – Headteacher Governor
Appointing Body – Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - Finance and Personnel Committee and Health, Safety and Safeguarding Committee.
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - N/A
Term of Office Ends – N/A
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mrs Kath Osborne.
Name – Mrs Emma Morris
Category of Governor – Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body – Governing Body
Chair Responsibilities - N/A
Committee Membership - Finance and Personnel Committee and Health, Safety and Safeguarding Committee.
Link Governor/Responsibility Area - N/A
Term of Office Ends – 07/11/2026
Pen Portrait - Click here to read more about Mrs Emma Morris.
Historic (Left within last 12 months)
Name - Justin Tyrer (Parent Governor) 11/01/2021 to 10/01/2025
Committee Structure & Link Governors for Academic Year 2024/2025
Finance & Personnel
Mrs Katrina Baker (MBE) (Chair of Committee)
Mr Andrew Baker (Chair of Governors)
Mrs Kath Osborne
Mrs Clare Lo
Mrs Emma Morris
Mrs Donna O’Reilly (Clerk)
Health, Safety and Safeguarding
Mr Andrew Baker (Chair of Governors & Chair of Committee)
Mrs Penny Hustwick (Vice Chair)
Mrs Kath Osborne
Mr Andrew Thomas
Mrs Samantha Barrett
Mrs Gemma Smith
Mrs Debbie Young (Associate Governor)
Mrs Donna O’Reilly (Clerk)
Pupil Discipline
Mrs Penny Hustwick (Vice Chair & Chair of Committee)
*Members requested when required.
Headteachers Performance
Mrs Penny Hustwick (Vice Chair)
Mrs Katrina Baker (MBE)
Mr Justin Tyrer
Mrs Donna O'Reilly (Clerk)
Mr Andrew Baker (Chair Governors & Chair of Committee)
*Members requested when required.
Mrs Penny Hustwick (Vice chair)
Pupil Premium and Catch Up Funding
Mrs Katrina Baker (MBE)
SEN (Special Education Needs)
Mrs Samantha Barrett
Vulnerable Learners /Safeguarding/
Children in Care
Mrs Penny Hustwick
Governor Review/CPD (Continuing Professional Development)
Mrs Debbie Young (Associate Governor)
Equality & Diversity
Miss Rebecca Thomas
Mrs Gemma Smith
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage)
Mrs Penny Hustwick (Vice Chair)
Curriculum Review
Mrs Gemma Smith
Staff Worklife Balance/Wellbeing including Healthy Eating
Mrs Gemma Smith
Online Safety including Filtering and Monitoring
Mrs Clare Lo
Governors Annual Statement 2024/2025
The primary focus of the Governing Body at Hollinswood Primary School & Nursery is to ensure that our pupils progress in a well-managed, stimulating, and safe environment. The governors recognise that for this to be accomplished, pupils must be supported by a well-led, enthusiastic, professionally competent, and motivated staff who work collaboratively within a proactive and nurturing atmosphere.
Equally, the governors understand the essential role of parents and carers, acknowledging their need for reassurance regarding the overall leadership and management of the school and its implications for safety, learning, progress, and enjoyment. Effective communication and transparency in governance are vital for fostering a trusting relationship with our school community.
To achieve their objectives, governors regularly evaluate their contributions to the school's environment and publish relevant information for all appropriate stakeholders. This commitment to accountability reinforces the critical role the Governing Body plays within the educational landscape of our school.
Governors are invited to visit the school to monitor the implementation of the Raising Achievement Plan and to address specific issues that arise. Guidance regarding the roles and responsibilities of governors is provided to relevant members, alongside access to regular training opportunities, ensuring that our governors are well-equipped to fulfil their duties effectively.
Data analysis is a cornerstone of our governance framework. Governors receive data through termly meetings that include comprehensive verbal and written presentations followed by interactive question-and-answer sessions with the headteacher and members of the senior leadership team. This structure enables governors to benchmark their data against comparable schools, the Local Authority, and national standards, ensuring our educational expectations remain high and are subjected to rigorous scrutiny. Special attention is given to monitoring pupil progress across all demographics, including vulnerable groups and those benefiting from the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG), alongside attendance records, safeguarding measures, and behavioural assessments.
Governors meticulously review all relevant policies on a scheduled basis to ensure that they remain current and effective. Particular emphasis is placed on compliance with the Department of Education's mandatory policy requirements, as well as those recommended by the Local Authority. This diligence demonstrates our commitment to safeguarding the welfare and educational needs of all pupils.
In terms of financial management, the impact of the Governing Body's role is significant, ensuring that the school budget is managed effectively with a continuous focus on improvement. The diverse expertise brought by our governors is instrumental in driving the school forward, facilitating well-informed decision-making processes that align with our strategic priorities.
Safeguarding remains a top priority, and governors review and adopt safeguarding policies annually. They conduct staff and pupil interviews to assess awareness and understanding of these policies. Additionally, governors participate in termly Health and Safety walks and attend site safety meetings as required. All governors stay informed regarding their safeguarding responsibilities by participating in relevant training sessions. A designated governor for safeguarding meets with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and conducts termly visits to engage in safeguarding audits in collaboration with the Local Authority.
In alignment with best practices in recruitment, several governors and staff members, including the headteacher, have undergone training in “Safer Recruitment.” Governors play an active role in the recruitment process of teaching staff to ensure that we appoint high-quality individuals who resonate with the school’s mission and values.
Governor meeting attendance has remained commendably high, with any absences being transparently explained and duly recognised by the governing body. Our governors are a dedicated group, demonstrating a strong commitment to their responsibilities.
Continuous personal and professional development is a hallmark of our strategy. The governing body, alongside the headteacher and all staff members, is relentlessly pursuing opportunities to improve and advance the school's offerings. This dedication was acknowledged in OFSTED's June 2019 inspection, reinforcing the school's successful trajectory in improving pupil progress and attainment. The imaginative allocation and effective use of Sports Premium funding have inspired both teaching staff and pupils alike.
The Governing Body of Hollinswood Primary School & Nursery is organised into two principal committees:
- Finance and Personnel Committee
- Health, Safety, and Safeguarding Committee
In addition, the full Governing Body convenes twice a term, with most decisions being delegated to the aforementioned committees, which the headteacher is a part of. Each committee meets at least once per term or as required, facilitating focused discussions on their specific responsibilities.
Each term, governors partake in a Governor Impact session, during which all senior leaders are called to report on impact through evidence-based presentations. This evidence might include pupil voice, portfolio reviews, staff feedback, data analysis, and outcomes derived from pupil progress meetings.
The area of special interest governors encompasses several key domains: Special Educational Needs, Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, Curriculum, Attendance, Wellbeing, and Early Years. To enhance their efficacy, governors have access to a range of training opportunities, from induction courses for newcomers to specialised training sessions on appraisal, OFSTED processes, and SENCo responsibilities. The records of all governors' training are meticulously maintained within the school.
To fulfil their strategic role and address the development points specified in the Raising Achievement Plan, governors have actively engaged in the following:
- Providing both challenge and support to the headteacher and senior leaders.
- Visiting the school to monitor pupil performance, undertaking learning walks to scrutinise specific aspects of children’s work.
- Engaging in discussions with pupils about their work and targets while observing their classroom experiences.
- Monitoring and evaluating all available data, including internal reports from teaching staff to ensure accountability in achieving set targets.
- Seeking the perspectives of parents and pupils through questionnaires, carefully evaluating the feedback and driving relevant follow-up actions.
- Inviting senior leaders to present at governors' meetings to elucidate their work and address any queries.
- Attending parental events to garner feedback and maintain awareness of current teaching and learning initiatives.
- Ensuring robust appraisal systems for teaching staff, addressing instances of under-performance effectively.
In conclusion, the Governing Body of Hollinswood Primary School & Nursery is dedicated to fostering an environment that prioritises pupil progress, safety, and enjoyment. Through strategic oversight, effective governance, and continuous improvement efforts, we remain steadfast in our mission to deliver high standards of education for all our students.
December 2024
Who Are Governors?
School governors play a key role in helping Headteachers and their staff to secure the best possible outcomes for the children and young people in our schools.
School governors come from every walk of life. We are looking to recruit people with skills that can be used to strengthen the work of the governing body.
What is the Role of a School Governor?
Governors work as part of a team. They are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education. Governors govern rather than manage. They are there to give direction and focus by performing a strategic role. The day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher. Governors will support and, at the same time, challenge Headteachers by gathering views, asking questions and deciding what is best for the school.
Governors are required to play an active part in the decision making process of the school, getting involved in real issues. Governors make important decisions together on policies and strategies.
There are several different categories of governor, each appointed in different ways. In LA maintained schools these are:
Parent: Parent governors are usually parents (or have parental responsibility) of children at the school, or, at the very least, parents of children of compulsory school age. Most are elected by parents of the school in question, if not enough parents stand for election then the governing body can appoint an individual to the position.
Staff: Staff governors are elected by those who are paid to work at the school.
Co-opted: Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body. In LA maintained schools, this is on the basis of the skills they can bring to support the effective governance and success of the school. Only in governing bodies constituted under the 2012 regulations.
Foundation: These are governors appointed by a foundation body. In schools with a faith ethos, in addition to their other responsibilities as governors, they are tasked with ensuring that the religious character of the school is upheld. If the school does not have a religious character then they must ensure that the foundation is conducted in accordance with the governing documents.
Partnership: Where the school has a religious character, they must be appointed with the purpose of preserving this. In non-faith schools, partnership governors are similar to community governors. Under the 2012 regulations, governing bodies can reject nominees if they do not have the skills to contribute to effective governance and the success of the school.
Local Authority (LA): Governors are appointed by the LA. Under the 2012 regulations, your governing body can set eligibility criteria which appointees must meet.
Associate Members: Are not governors, but can be invited to sit on one of the committees of the governing body, usually because they have specific skills. They can be given the right to vote at committee meetings. They can be appointed for between one and four years.
Being a governor can be a demanding but fulfilling role. Some of the things Governors can expect to be involved in include:
- Governing Body Meetings
- Committee Meetings
- Classroom/school visits to monitor and evaluate provision
- Training and development activities in order to improve the functioning and impact of the governing body
- Appointment of Headteacher and senior staff
- Making strategic financial decisions
- Gathering views from pupils, staff and parents
What Skills do you need to be a School Governor?
Experience has shown that all governors need a strong commitment to the role, the inquisitiveness to question and analyse, and the willingness to learn. They need good inter-personal skills, a basic level of literacy in English (unless a governing body is prepared to make special arrangements), and sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data.
How much time do Governors give?
All schools are different and have individual needs. The normal term of office for a governor is 4 years. Full governing body meetings usually take place once a term. Governors are expected to be involved in interim activities to promote school improvement. The time committed by each governor to these activities would be negotiable with the school.
Those governors, who are employed within business, may find employers will support their role as a governor by letting them have time off work to fulfil these duties.
Governor Training
The School Governance Service offer a varied training programme for governors and governing bodies to assist them in becoming more effective in their role and keep them updated on current issues. The School Governance Service also offers governing bodies bespoke training within their school on relevant topics of their own choice to meet any specific needs
If you are interested in becoming a school governor in Telford and Wrekin then please contact 01952 380808/380868 or e-mail school.governance@telford.gov.uk
Governor Vacancies
Parent Governor - We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor which we would like to fill as soon as possible. Parent governors are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending our school. They serve a four-year term of office and bring a very important and valued perspective to the work of the governing body.
Parent Governor Election Result - 31st January 2025
Useful Websites
Torch – this website provides up to date information on Telford & Wrekin School https://torch.taw.org.uk/CorporateInformation/SchoolGovernanceService/SitePages/Home.aspx
National Governors’ Association: www.nga.org.uk
DfE: www.education.gov.uk/
Governance Service: School Governance One Stop Shop: www.sgoss.org.uk
Governor’s Handbook:
School Governors Handbook - October 2020